Hi. Hola. Haai. Goddag. Ciao. Oi. Bonjour. Buongiorno. Hi. Hola. Haai. Goddag. Ciao. Oi. Bonjour. Buongiorno.

Opening hours

See Google for current opening times.

Depending on the weather conditions, the opening hours may shift “forward”. Last order is about 1 hour before closing time. Entrance stop is from Wednesday to Saturday no later than 1.5 hours before closing time. Deposit return until 12:00 a.m. at the latest.


Sky Beach Stuttgart
Königstrasse 6
70173 Stuttgart


You can get to the Sky Beach via the Galeria/Q-Park parking garage (near the main train station) or via the elevators in the Kronenstraße passageway (opposite Sport Scheck) to the top parking level (D2).